
Longer ago than I’d like to admit, Sarah and I were out to dinner with a large group of people. A discussion came up about an 800 number you could call where there was an option to press a number to hear a duck quack. Someone volunteered that it was Aflac’s 800 number. Younger me had no idea what this company was, and while googling it later that night I saw that you could buy a cute plush duck that talks. I figured this would amuse my wife (girlfriend at the time) so I ordered on. She loved it and of course we immediately named him after the single word he says again and again and again. He began traveling with us both solo and as a couple and one day while he and I were at the Grand Canyon a woman saw me taking a picture of him and asked, “Is that a traveling duck?” Why yes…yes he is. He’s quite the traveler, having seen 4 countries internationally and many places domestically.